Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chat with my family doctor

Yesterday I had a chat with my family doctor, one of the topics being preparing and recovering from the surgery. He doesn't want me to do anything differently leading up to the surgery as far as supplements go (I'm taking a general multivitamin). I'm already doing pretty well on nutrition, so it's just a matter of eating well in terms of fruits and veggies and having a good diet in general.

I have a problem with seasonal depression, and most people have a depressive crash a couple weeks after this surgery. The stress of a liquid diet, the trauma of surgery, and the pace of recovery just send people into a bad spot. Every year I try to go without medication for as long as possible, and this year I had high hopes that I could make it with a very improved diet and other measures. But the doctor thinks it would be best if I just started medication a week before surgery (if I don't end up starting before that because of my symptoms), to prep for the post-surgery crash. I'm still going to be doing measures like supplementing vitamin D and having a very strong natural light lamp.

After the surgery the doctor would like me to supplement extra vitamin C, and continue with as good a diet as I can.

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