Monday, September 20, 2010

Jaw surgery

Good morning!

I'm writing this blog because I will be undergoing double jaw surgery at the end of October (the 26th, to be precise), under six weeks from now. It's a major event in my life, and it's taking a lot of mental processing power to prepare for everything. Writing a blog will help me process it, and it will also help those who are going to go through the same thing. I know I've been helped tremendously by the blogs of those who have undergone this surgery.

There is at least one thing that is different about me that I haven't read about in the jaw surgery blogs yet, so maybe I can add to the collective experience and tips. I am still nursing my youngest baby, who will be almost 16 months at the time of the surgery. I also have an almost four-year-old daughter, and a baby (who is taking a bottle) who will be 14 months at the time of the surgery. We live with my in-laws, and my mother-in-law watches the kids during the day, so it isn't going to be as stressful as it could be having three young children post-surgery. But still I can imagine there will be some challenges associated with this situation.

Later today I'll post details on the procedure I'll be having, as well as why I'm going through with this surgical jawnt.



PS: I know it's a horrible pun, but I had to do it.

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