Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day of surgery

My surgery was scheduled for 11:30 on the 26th of October. The day before the surgeon had called and let me know that he would probably only have to operate on the top jaw (though he reserved the right to do the bottom if necessary).

An 11:30 surgery meant a 9:30 check-in time. I had my own little private waiting room, where I was given disposable cloths with antibacterial stuff on them. I had to basically give myself a sponge bath with them, then air dry until I could put on the hospital gown.

A nurse came in to start an IV, but my vein 'rolled' on her the first try and my body did a protective thing where I started feeling faint, sound was echoey, and I felt hot. She decided to let the anestheologist put the IV in in the operating room. From my waiting room I was escorted to a bed (Mike and I parted ways at this point), and wheeled through some halls to my operating room. I scootched from my transport bed to my operative bed. I asked the anestheseologist some questions (such as why you needed leg pump circulation things during the surgery and not when you're sleeping--apparently your blood is more likely to coagulate during surgery). She then put a mask over my face and told me to breathe deeply. This was not comfortable because it felt like I could not get enough air in, but I was out so fast that it didn't bother me for long.

Next thing I knew I was being wheeled through more hallways and being told that the surgery went fine. Right away it felt like there was something in my eye and I was trying to rub it to get it out. I spent some time in the recovery ward, but don't remember much from there except nice nurses checking on me periodically.

After that I got wheeled into my room and was reunited with my husband, Mike. At first he thought the tears streaming down my face was from pain, but it was really due to the eye thing. Even now, the worst part of it all has been the eye. It turned out to be a corneal abrasion about 3x5 mm. Most of the rest of the day was spent complaining about my eye and learning to drink water with my mouth messed up.

When I drink liquids I feel a bit like a lizard. I get the liquid into my mouth, then do a large gulp to get it down my throat.

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